It's just a gray screen with pixel leaves floating, when you download the game on windows. I've tried nearly everything and I can't get the game to work. Zero stars.
ye that might be a glitch,tho no worries,you can still get through the area ,by activating no dripping :P Basically pressesc and go to the cheats,then active no plant dripping.Tho if you want to get through the plant minigame without cheats,try pressing new game,or just redonwlad the entire game.
(also for some reason i cant post pictures of that process ,so you will have to go by the text).
well you get act 1 when donwloading act 2 :P(basically when donwloading the game you get 2 acts together(act 1 and act2)). So when starting the game you already play act 1.If you want more explanation on that ,go under the spoilers :P
act1 basically begins when the game starts ,basically when racoon(Rascal)finds the village,and ends when you fix the breach and end the day,then the act 2 begins .
ik ,he is a red panda,tho suprisingly long pandas are related to racons :P(they are basically related to mustelodia,basically some kinda super family of carnivoran mammals united by shared characteristics of the skull and teeth,and yes i did read that from wikipedia:P)also i might have did it to troll you a bit (i think)(sorry),and yes i do have problems with misstyping bridge,with the breach,dont know why :P.
hello! sadly the protagonist is going to stay the same, this is a story were Rascal Reddtail is the one you control, there's no character creation or anything, the game is being developt this way.
there will be more submissive scenese coming, but act 3 is coming out within months so patience is required. :D
well the latest version is the version you download here :P (Basically version 23.,tho patreon version of the game did get a bit upgraded) it also has both cap 1 and 2.
Not usually one to post comments, but I must say that even if this wasn't a porn game I would happily play every second of it, 10/10 can't wait for more acts to come out :>
For some reason, the android app is just refusing to start for me. Any potential reasons why? All it does is show "made in unity" and then fade out into a black screen that stays there...
Edit:DOES start! But I can barely make it through the first few seconds of the opening cutscene before the app crashes ;-;
Well all the critters are not yet available in this version of the game :P(basically in this version of the game there are about 12 critters:rattata(Mabel),birda(Penny), easter bunny(Scarllet),easter bunny 2(Peter),big old lizard(Augustus),beaver from the movie the beaver(never watched it)(Bucky),Alvin and the chipmunk but black(not in a racist way)(Dustin),le sheep(Finley),donkey from shrek(Oliver),illegal storesman(Maverick),and the last not least THE FISH and definetly not evil(Lenora) ,tho Lenora and the fish dont show up in the book).
Thx for reminding about double trouble (Violet and Clarie). Anyways you can find out about Lenora in 2 scenes when you gossiping with a big old lizard(Augustus), bassically after finishing the game(getting the sweater)you can ask the big old lizard(Augustus)about the Shrine maiden.
Basically this:
after that you can also ask him ore about definitely not evil Lenora.
Basically this :
And that how you get the 2 scenes with her.Now for the fish(the most evil character known to man) tho.He will appear after the delivering the artifact to the big old lizard(Augustus). Where he will have about 2 lines,and then disappear like nothing ever happened (tho he has noice hat), truly evil .Tho i do believe you could also ask about the shrine maiden at that time. Tho i dont know if you can ask him for the the second question about her.
Basically this :
(tho you probably missed the fish because of a glitch,as the meeting with it is quite literally scripted in the story ).
oh thank u very much i would have seen this much earlier if wasn't watching the greatest show ever in my opinion helluva boss that show is just sooooooooooooooo gud
No problem :P(and yes the show is pretty good)Also if you need anything else,just ask.(i probably said that to many times,but still ask if you need anything )
Ye thats probably another pesky bug :P Try redownloading the game tho,it might help.(also if the problem is happening on phone,then your storage could be full,as that can cause game crashes(i think))
also if you want to do it without cheats, you can just smash spacebar, DO NOT roll, and you can't roll away from Mabel, we are forced to talk to her through that mission.
I came here to find out about the next act and read though comments (cause I knew I wouldn't be the only to have that question) and saw there y'all are going through stuff.
So I wanted to say take your time and stay safe, focus on your lives before you return to what ever else is going on, your community has you backed up and cheering you on the whole way
well someone was able to show that they were able to play the game in steam deck, but it was the mobile version of the game the they were able to port into the steam deck, though I am not 100% sure
Well there is a way to transfer games from steam to steam deck(i think). Basically check this site out for more information(no promises tho). As i myself have no idea how to actually do it:P
I run the game on steam deck and it works great! Just go into desktop mode, download the game, extract the .zip. then open the steam app, go to library and add the non-steam game to library by selecting the executable in the browser. Steam version should also work when released.
They could do with updating info of the game progress outside patreon. There is definitely some information that needs to stay exclusive to there but they need to stop neglecting the public pages like this one and the official website.
Even if they don't want to give information on release dates or content, they could still give progress updates like "we have more characters" or "we hope you liked x because there's more in the next update!". General announcements that don't give much away but still keep followers engaged would be nice.
They are working hard with the development and making good progress. They do care about the fans of the game but unfortunately it doesn't always come across when looking at their engagement on all of the platforms they use.
It's a shame because it's leading to assumptions and annoyance. It also has to be hurting their bottom line and popularity.
It would be nice to have an updated time line and some basic information to point to when questions are asked about the game.
i sadly cant say the same line so many times,but maybe this can help you out (tho the site is a bit delayed,so no promises:P)
You didnt tho.I actually deleted the post because i didnt know if telling the patreon version of the game was illegal or not(which i still dont know if it is),so you are not even close at fault here(not sarcastic btw:P)
they said in a couple on months, so definetly this yaer for act 3! there's a lot coming for act 3 so that's why! they are working on the game everyday as well!
Well if you got the jacket,then you basically finished act 2(basically the whole game) .Tho if you want to replay the whole act 2,then just start from act 2(tho if you want all the stories and movies from act 1,you will have to replay to whole act 1,or just use cheats:p)
Basically do this if you want to replay the whole act 2(you can also replay act 1 that way):
Also to unlock all the stories and movies,basically do this:
Click gallery
and then click unlock all to see all the movies and stories
After you finish act 2 you can also get a frosty event(Blessing of the bells).Basically you will have to speak to a rabbit with hat(Scarllet)and ask her how can big birda (Penny)carry critters all day,after that the event should be unlocked.
the game gets a montly update for patreons, though I can't say much about that, all I can say is that act 3 will be coming out within months since there's a not going on for them. (not only the game but they are fixing their room and now the car)
Im playing it on a galaxy note 20. Game runs fine, though does drain the battery quickly. Have some issues with olly and penny. Saying 'no thanks' to olly, sometimes still makes him take me, and saying one place to penny, still makes her take me to the lake. Love the game and animations though. Cant wait till act 3 is out.
Well you can try these tricks to make batter drain less faster :P(and yes the whole pidgeot (Peny) and donkey from Shrek(Olly) problem is probably just a pesky bug ,or the animal instincts got to them:P)
Basically this(this is the fix for your battery draining:):
Make sure Auto brightness is on or dim the screen.
How can I learn to swim and help the otter collect the remaining floating wood in this game? How can I learn to swim with the otter? Why does the otter only answer with one sentence every time I accept the task of collecting floating wood? Is it because I haven't made any progress? What should I do? Can anyone explain this to me in detail?
You first need to speak with Maverick after you talked with Bucky, Maverick will give you wood to tell Bucky to craft him something "fun" after that, you must go back to Bucky and he will shape something for Maverick (you have to wait a little until he's done) and then Maverick will give you the floaties.
The task of collecting the boards is given to you by the beaver, not the otter. Rascal, you, asks the otter if he can swim for them but instead the otter offers you floats.
Do you need a new rabbit scene,or an old one? Because if you need any old scenes just go to the gallery and check under movies and stories.There you shoud find an option to see all of the scenes(basically stories and movies:P).
Basically this:
Click on gallery
And then click unlock all It should help you see all the old scenes:P Tho if you want any new scenes,then you will just have to let the time do its thing.(basically you will have to wait,or pay for the patreon version). Btw if you need to get back your sanity.I describe going outside,and limithing your eltronic time or go to your nearest doctor to get some medicine(btw thats not meant as an insult,im serious). Also try these out(they might help you):
Exercise get a better sleep try some art(it might help) watch some movies(tho not to many movies) and gratitude(Basically be thankfull of your life and be happy,and believe in yourself ) These steps should help you get your sanity back :P(and yes ik i sound like an average mom but this will help you)
Very good idea to combine the cute with the hot, a great mix. But I feel like the weight of the relationships with the characters is lost a bit if you make the sex so casual and inconsequential. I also don't like too much that the protagonist has sex with anyone just like that, all very friendly but I miss what is significant, I would like to be able to cultivate a relationship with a character that I liked or like more than the others and with whom I want to have a romance. What happens to a lot of furry games is that they seem to forget that sex is very cool and nice, but it's a component rather than a whole.
Also, it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, it seems like everyone is bisexual. I am a male homosexual and I would have liked to be able to choose or let the game or the characters know that I like the male ones... but no one seems to care about that. Maybe it's all because I'm a little too used to visual novels or Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origins so I feel like I can't give the protagonist almost any personality. I would like to like this game much more, because I really like its idea and appearance, but I feel it is too simple. Although, well, I suppose it has something to do with the retro game touches and pixel art that have been given to it. But making a game retro-style doesn't mean you're obligated or excused to make it simple in its mechanics.
the idea of the game "the love" is what makes them do free stuff with anyone, although one might catch interest in someone to like be their partner but still do free stuff with others.
as for the choices in with who you are doing stuff with, keep in mind this is a free game and they are working really hard on it to like pay attention to every whim from people that aren't even supporting their game, it is normal when a free indie have content for both male and female, straight, lesbian, homosexual.
Will this game be completely free? I thought that only the DEMO that contains the first two chapters is free, but the complete game will be paid. That's why in Steam it's under "coming soon".
Yes, and it's great that that's normal, although they could have made the game for everyone (male and female, straight, lesbian, homosexual, etc) but in the form of choices or preferences that the player makes through the character. For example, the game registers the gender of the characters with whom the player is intimate, if for example the male counter increases but the female counter remains at zero, the game through the characters could release dialogues about that or the characters acting reacting to that. I just feel like I've been missing the romance a bit, being able to pick a character I like better and explore something special with him. And... I don't know, I would like to be able to customize Rascal more, there are times when you don't even get options... which feels a bit too linear, and this game could have been more sandbox (allowing the player to do and dig with whomever they prefer).
sadly is not how you want the game to be, but how the creators (Carrots and Vixel) want the game to be, maybe this game is not for you and it won't be for sure since the character that you show more interest into is female and she shows a lot of interest back to you, showing preferences on which sexuality you lean more is not how the game is getting developt.
This game has gay male content, which I believe is mandatory. It doesn't say this anywhere on this page or in the game. Would've been nice to know that beforehand.
para nada, en realidad solo queria hacer una referencia a una pelicula llamada puss and bots, pero al decir kitty asumo que ya lo sabes (aunque si no sabes la referencia, spoilers: white wolf era un villano y tenia 1 línea en español,
y por alguna razón tomé esa línea como española, de todos modos el lobo villano se ve casi igual que el lobo blanco en la tarjeta)
Básicamente, visite este sitio para ver de lo que estoy hablando.
Yes, of course, I understand you. I made that comment jokingly XD And I saw that movie. I think the wolf is a bit overrated, I fall more in love with someone nice than a sexy bad boy. Too bad the nice gay people I've met live in another country X_X
eh no problem,i just dont like seeing people being lost:P(even tho half of the time my helping probably doesnt even help,also that lost line sounded better in my head) Tho not gonna lie you are the last person that i expected to respond to this(btw that was not meant as an insult,also big respect to you and vixel for making this game,hope it succeeds :P(tho dont forget to take breaks(also respect for who ever gave the broken bridge and the gate punch lines,and for the best villain of the game,the fish(and best femboy Maverick and maybe Peter(no homo tho))
yeah like Darkness said, is from patreon, I sadly cannot say anything about what's going on or what's exactly coming for the game, all I can give is little information, but yeah if you want to know more about the game check out the link Darkness posted.
they work on the game 24/7 with monthly builds and weekly updates for the Patreons, the next will come out within months, all we have to do is be patient. c: though Carrots is currently fixing their room. ^^;
there's a lot coming for act 3, I sadly cannot say anything, all I can say is that act 3 will come out in months but the wait will be worth, a lot of juice stuff are coming for sure!
This game is such a great tease but I greatly enjoyed it, and I appreciate the dedication that's being put into the writing and the characters. I feel like a main focus with this game is developing characters with a lot of care and dedication, each character's personality stands out from one another and every character in this game is very likable and wholesome. There's a lot to the story of each. I feel like this whole game is represented and guided by the characters instead of the sex, narrative, or the plot, which is kind of unique to me. I can't think of another game where most of the dedication was put into the characters. However, I also have to say. Game is top quality with 0 bugs or scuffness. Everything in this game is high quality. I think quality and keeping a low tolerance on having flaws was also a big thing on this game. I couldn't find any personally. It did get slow at the end of chapter 2 I guess (on a decent Windows PC, downloaded) but that's it.
I call this game a tease because there are a ton of moments where I expected the game to do something, but it didn't deliver it, which is probably okay. This may be because I am more biased toward other kinks. The game has been teasing me a lot with messing with Mabel, just so that it never happens in the end because the game's still in development and she's shy (I doubt she's busy, I think she's making excuses). With Scarlett I felt teased until the scene finally happened but she was just rubbing it, it's very sexy the way she does it but I had something else in mind. The foxes? I was hoping for a blow but I got a licking scene, which again I like but it's not what I expected. The foxes again where I expected an orgy like in their flashback but it didn't happen. The submissive plant? Tried, and later through comments I found out it's not implemented. Finding something at the top of the mountain? I was hoping there would be something, at least a taste for the next update but there was nothing, which is fair but still a bummer. It's unusual to finish a quest just to have no reward at the end, but the journey in this game is very rewarding regardless. A lot of things in the game were a tease, but I can't point to anything the game exactly did to give the wrong idea besides anything that's unfinished. I still wonder if I am the only one who felt that way. I felt like I was being edged into oblivion.
The only thing I didn't like about the game is that Rascal only has one expression for every dialogue, and it's also an expression I am not fond off. It makes him less likable to me if that's his expression the whole time. I also don't like that the game tells you that you can do things that haven't been implemented yet (submissive plant). I also didn't like the Haikus getting sexual... it was nice to have a break from all the lewd in the middle of the game, it's refreshing even if I don't like haikus or poems in the first place. I still like reading this sort of thing that you see in the explanation. I think I would had been fine if they got sexual, it was expected, but those sexual Haikus were very lazy and lame, I don't like it even if it's on character. The Dustin minigame was very fun though, it really shows how Undertale is truly Among Us in the Sans Universe of furry porn games. Dustin is a representation of god just like Sans.
This game gives me strong isekai vibes, since everyone's so happy and everything's extremely positive which is nice. I think I would really like a character that goes against the norm in this universe, but still doesn't ruin the positive vibes everyone brings and can still be friends with everyone. I think that character would be my favorite. (edit: By going against the norm I mean, don't be so positive. Not sad or miserable either)
it is such a great and lovely game I agree, we all have been loving it, or at least most of us, they are putting a lot work into the game since they also have been posting monthly builds and keeping their Patreons updated every weekly, though, a time is coming with Mabel, is all I can say. c:
She's adorable as well and that one that is mostly interested in you (Rascal) which makes it even more adorable, ever since I started playing this game and helping out here in this post whenever I can I always wanted a moment between the two of them and I am happy for what's to come.
I have played this game a little bit and from what I can tell and see. This game is highly morbid. Erotic sex scenes of natural-looking animals, were your character spends most of his time getting fucked in the ass? I say this is morbid because this is frankly another version of Gay Animal Erotica. Would be Illegal in the States. Though. If this ever hit the shelves in America. It would make it a lot easier to find morbid assholes, who intend on sexually brutalizing animals. The Feds would just have to get a list of the idiots who bought this game. This is definitely twisted. Even for a video game.
I understand what you're saying, but this isn't what you think it is. For it to count, it has to be between a human and an animal and viewed/participated in through photo, film, or direct contact. The game only has characters that are animal-like but not human. The interactions are only between other animal-like characters and not between any humans. This is the furry community and it's just like if humans interacted together, only it's between andromorphic characters. Yes, there might be some people out there who find this interesting for bad reasons, and I agree that's wrong. But most people who are in the furry community find stuff like this just like people outside of this community watch non-furry/non-anthropomorphic films, view photos, ect. As long as it doesn't move into the other category, which is extremely disgusting and wrong on so many levels, then it should be fine. I hope that the remaining states in the US that do allow such acts, join the rest of the other states to keep animals safe from such acts. But this is just the furry community and most of us join it because we like people and we love animals. Yes, there are some bad ones in the bunch, but for the good ones who just want to meet people that are interested in anthropomorphic animals, it's perfectly fine if it doesn't get to the point where it's hurting animals. I don't want to start an argument but I do agree that it's wrong to do certain acts against animals and I think most people, even people who are in the furry community, would agree, as they're animal lovers and most wish to treat them well. If you're interested, you can check out Cornell Law School for more info on this topic.
This is understandable. And thanks for the idea on were to look into this information. But I'm a Judge in the States. So I know the laws well. I have no problem with Furry Hentai some characters can come out really attractive, if the Artist knows there stuff. I've designed a few here and there. Along with other characters using Skyrim's Race Menu, Nifskope and Gimp. It just caught me off guard.
There's a rating system for a reason, your honor. Down vote if you don't like it and move on, not every person creating and playing games is from your country. And Darkness - don't be a bootlicker, it's unsightly.
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It's just a gray screen with pixel leaves floating, when you download the game on windows. I've tried nearly everything and I can't get the game to work. Zero stars.
im assuming you already tried that,but try redonwlading the game,or click on unity crash handler under the game.
Basically this :
I've tried redownloading the game around five times now, all through compatability as well. The crash handler does literally nothing.
oh,well then you could try 1 last option :P Ask the developer.
Basically with this:
(and yes i know thats not really helpfull,but thats really the only option you got(probably).
ye that might be a glitch,tho no worries,you can still get through the area ,by activating no dripping :P Basically pressesc and go to the cheats,then active no plant dripping.Tho if you want to get through the plant minigame without cheats,try pressing new game,or just redonwlad the entire game.
(also for some reason i cant post pictures of that process ,so you will have to go by the text).
Where is the act1?
well you get act 1 when donwloading act 2 :P(basically when donwloading the game you get 2 acts together(act 1 and act2)). So when starting the game you already play act 1.If you want more explanation on that ,go under the spoilers :P
act1 basically begins when the game starts ,basically when racoon(Rascal)finds the village,and ends when you fix the breach and end the day,then the act 2 begins .
Darkness, Rascal is not a raccoon, he is a red panda! and is bridge, but yeah you are accurate.
ik ,he is a red panda,tho suprisingly long pandas are related to racons :P(they are basically related to mustelodia,basically some kinda super family of carnivoran mammals united by shared characteristics of the skull and teeth,and yes i did read that from wikipedia:P)also i might have did it to troll you a bit (i think)(sorry),and yes i do have problems with misstyping bridge,with the breach,dont know why :P.
yes I know, I studied red pandas when I decided to have a red panda as my oc, I know many things about them.
oh,respect :P
I like the game and completed everything I could but it seems I'm missing the blue bell to call Penny in the mountains. How can I get it?
ye you cant get it.As its not in the game yet :P (tho i do believe i already told you that,so i sadly cant use the same pun).
I loved this experience, super cute, 9/10 I can't wait for Act 3, but I had some minor pet-peeves
Are there any plans for picking gender at the start of the game? I liked the protagonist, but I kinda wish it wasn't such a sausage-fest
I also wanted some more submissive scenes
These minor pet-peeves don't really lower the quality of the game, but I hope that these will become a thing
hello! sadly the protagonist is going to stay the same, this is a story were Rascal Reddtail is the one you control, there's no character creation or anything, the game is being developt this way.
there will be more submissive scenese coming, but act 3 is coming out within months so patience is required. :D
well you could add some things with sausages,they might taste better :P
basically these :
(sorry had to do it)
you are silly.
im a take that as a compliment :P(that was a compliment right?)Also the pun was quite literally calling out to me ,so i couldnt let it down .
of course it is a compliment!
well thx then :P
Is there a place to read about current updates without Patreon I'm just wanting to know how it's coming along for now?
well there is a site,but its a bit delayed(like 1 or 2 years delayed).Tho it will still probably give some general information on the game :P
Basically this :
I try my best to say a few things here but I can't say much or.. anything at all, though all I can say is that act 3 is months away.
Oh wow, I just... Ooh boy! What a great project!
Peter is my new drug, he is just wonderful! :3
Seriously, no notes, just more of the same, please! This is awesome!
I love Peter as well! my only wish is that they make more content between Peter and Rascal, but everything with him is so nice!
yep,i truly wouldnt mind seeing his buns in action :P(by buns i meant where the sun never shines).
жаль нет выбора игровых персонажей.
Конечно если гг была б самкой.то вы б должны зделать /переработать секас анимации. А так игра хорошая и добрая.
What is the latest version and if I download it I will have the cap. 1 and 2?
well the latest version is the version you download here :P (Basically version 23.,tho patreon version of the game did get a bit upgraded) it also has both cap 1 and 2.
Not usually one to post comments, but I must say that even if this wasn't a porn game I would happily play every second of it, 10/10 can't wait for more acts to come out :>
For some reason, the android app is just refusing to start for me. Any potential reasons why? All it does is show "made in unity" and then fade out into a black screen that stays there...
Edit:DOES start! But I can barely make it through the first few seconds of the opening cutscene before the app crashes ;-;
Ye thats probably another pesky bug :P
Tho you could try these fixes,as they could also be the reason for the game crashes.
Bassically this :
Check your phone storage
Check app permissions
Force stop the app
Clear the app cache
Uninstall updates on pre-installed apps
Check for software updates
Restart the phone
Clear storage
Uninstall and reinstall the app
Reboot into Safe Mode
Last resort: Factory reset your phone
(btw if you actually want to know how to do all this fixes(as i have no idea how to),check this )
where is the fith critter? like i have made all the other things and still have in the five slot a ???
also how does the rosetta stone work? i cant translate the glyphs lol
Ye you cant use the magic rock yet,as the option to use it its not in the game yet.So we can only imagine what the magic are saying :P
Well all the critters are not yet available in this version of the game :P(basically in this version of the game there are about 12 critters:rattata(Mabel),birda(Penny), easter bunny(Scarllet),easter bunny 2(Peter),big old lizard(Augustus),beaver from the movie the beaver(never watched it)(Bucky),Alvin and the chipmunk but black(not in a racist way)(Dustin),le sheep(Finley),donkey from shrek(Oliver),illegal storesman(Maverick),and the last not least THE FISH and definetly not evil(Lenora) ,tho Lenora and the fish dont show up in the book).
i think you missed violet and claire anyway who the hell is the fish and lenora I've beat the whole game btw
Thx for reminding about double trouble (Violet and Clarie). Anyways you can find out about Lenora in 2 scenes when you gossiping with a big old lizard(Augustus), bassically after finishing the game(getting the sweater)you can ask the big old lizard(Augustus)about the Shrine maiden.
Basically this:
after that you can also ask him ore about definitely not evil Lenora.
Basically this :
And that how you get the 2 scenes with her.Now for the fish(the most evil character known to man) tho.He will appear after the delivering the artifact to the big old lizard(Augustus). Where he will have about 2 lines,and then disappear like nothing ever happened (tho he has noice hat), truly evil .Tho i do believe you could also ask about the shrine maiden at that time. Tho i dont know if you can ask him for the the second question about her.
Basically this :
(tho you probably missed the fish because of a glitch,as the meeting with it is quite literally scripted in the story ).
oh thank u very much i would have seen this much earlier if wasn't watching the greatest show ever in my opinion helluva boss that show is just sooooooooooooooo gud
No problem :P(and yes the show is pretty good)Also if you need anything else,just ask.(i probably said that to many times,but still ask if you need anything )
the game is amazing, and I'm hooked but I wanted to know if anyone knows any similar games they have for mobile ;-;
Well there are some game like that from mobile :P(i definitely didnt just check youtube for these)
Basically these:
SOL Stone Of Life
Devil Book: Hand-Drawn MMO
My Heroes: Dungeon Raid
Elona Mobile
Levistone Story Asia
RPG Infinite Links
(tho you could just type phone games like Zelda,as the the forest does have some inspiration from Zelda )
thanks :3
Np :P. Btw if you need anything else ,just ask.
Recently I played a game called RPG Isekai Rondo
Made by Kemco i think same people who made Infinite Links it's pretty fun
Why can’t I save? It keeps freezing and it causes me to restart
Ye thats probably another pesky bug :P Try redownloading the game tho,it might help.(also if the problem is happening on phone,then your storage could be full,as that can cause game crashes(i think))
my seeds kept oozing :( do i roll to get away from mabel or somthin
nope as it will only ooze faster, so just smash space button like your life depends on it,or just enable no oozing on cheats:P Basically this:
go to menu and click on cheats
and then turn on plant minigame prevent drip
thank you :)
Np:P Also if you need anything else just ask.
also if you want to do it without cheats, you can just smash spacebar, DO NOT roll, and you can't roll away from Mabel, we are forced to talk to her through that mission.
I finnaly 100% the game beat both of the dustin games, got all the scenes, all the dates, all gossips, and bought both items now i just need act 3
Yipee :P
it is the latest verion until now, also you just need to download act 2 to play both act.
It‘s probably the last public, since only completed chapters are published here.
There might be more content for ptreons.
And thank u
there's indeed more content for patreons, they are working currently in act 3, all we have to do is to be patient.
I came here to find out about the next act and read though comments (cause I knew I wouldn't be the only to have that question) and saw there y'all are going through stuff.
So I wanted to say take your time and stay safe, focus on your lives before you return to what ever else is going on, your community has you backed up and cheering you on the whole way
May be a stupid question but I'm thinking of getting a steam deck, would it be able to run this as the game will be on steam?
well someone was able to show that they were able to play the game in steam deck, but it was the mobile version of the game the they were able to port into the steam deck, though I am not 100% sure
Well there is a way to transfer games from steam to steam deck(i think). Basically check this site out for more information(no promises tho). As i myself have no idea how to actually do it:P
I run the game on steam deck and it works great! Just go into desktop mode, download the game, extract the .zip. then open the steam app, go to library and add the non-steam game to library by selecting the executable in the browser. Steam version should also work when released.
They could do with updating info of the game progress outside patreon. There is definitely some information that needs to stay exclusive to there but they need to stop neglecting the public pages like this one and the official website.
Even if they don't want to give information on release dates or content, they could still give progress updates like "we have more characters" or "we hope you liked x because there's more in the next update!". General announcements that don't give much away but still keep followers engaged would be nice.
They are working hard with the development and making good progress. They do care about the fans of the game but unfortunately it doesn't always come across when looking at their engagement on all of the platforms they use.
It's a shame because it's leading to assumptions and annoyance. It also has to be hurting their bottom line and popularity.
It would be nice to have an updated time line and some basic information to point to when questions are asked about the game.
Act 3 soon?
i sadly cant say the same line so many times,but maybe this can help you out (tho the site is a bit delayed,so no promises:P)
sorry Darknes.... :c
eh no worries ,tho i have a question :P For what reason are you sorry ?
well I made you delete your answer in the post bellow, kidna feel guilty for that.
You didnt tho.I actually deleted the post because i didnt know if telling the patreon version of the game was illegal or not(which i still dont know if it is),so you are not even close at fault here(not sarcastic btw:P)
I can't wait, haven't the next scene come yet? I'm crying
they said in a couple on months, so definetly this yaer for act 3! there's a lot coming for act 3 so that's why! they are working on the game everyday as well!
Hey.. the android link just re-downloads act 1 am I missing something?
ye thats probably a pesky bug :P(you could try refreshing the site tho(no promises tho)
I'll try deleting it then redownloading from the link
so I've got version 2.. what now? I've gotten the jacket and I have no active missions. Should I restart/continue from act 1?
Well if you got the jacket,then you basically finished act 2(basically the whole game) .Tho if you want to replay the whole act 2,then just start from act 2(tho if you want all the stories and movies from act 1,you will have to replay to whole act 1,or just use cheats:p)
Basically do this if you want to replay the whole act 2(you can also replay act 1 that way):
Also to unlock all the stories and movies,basically do this:
Click gallery
and then click unlock all to see all the movies and stories
After you finish act 2 you can also get a frosty event(Blessing of the bells).Basically you will have to speak to a rabbit with hat(Scarllet)and ask her how can big birda (Penny)carry critters all day,after that the event should be unlocked.
Basically this:
No problem:P Btw if you need anything else just ask.
si hola me si go nala jier chiaco
you started with Spanish... butI have no idea the rest that you said.
hola chica
When will the game get a new update?
As said before,only god can answer that:P(or carrot and vixel)
Tho you could get some information from this: (no promises tho,as the site is a bit delayed)
(Or you could just check on patreon)
the game gets a montly update for patreons, though I can't say much about that, all I can say is that act 3 will be coming out within months since there's a not going on for them. (not only the game but they are fixing their room and now the car)
huh.i guess the whole god thing is quite litteral then (i hope they fix the car and their room tho)
their room is almost done, the first thing Carrots did was fix their setup again lol, but the car was sudden, so yeah that's that.
oh,well then i hope that the car will be soon fixed(as those things can sometimes be quite tricky to fix,without breaking something else in the car)
Im playing it on a galaxy note 20. Game runs fine, though does drain the battery quickly. Have some issues with olly and penny. Saying 'no thanks' to olly, sometimes still makes him take me, and saying one place to penny, still makes her take me to the lake. Love the game and animations though. Cant wait till act 3 is out.
Well you can try these tricks to make batter drain less faster :P(and yes the whole pidgeot (Peny) and donkey from Shrek(Olly) problem is probably just a pesky bug ,or the animal instincts got to them:P)
Basically this(this is the fix for your battery draining:):
How can I learn to swim and help the otter collect the remaining floating wood in this game? How can I learn to swim with the otter? Why does the otter only answer with one sentence every time I accept the task of collecting floating wood? Is it because I haven't made any progress? What should I do? Can anyone explain this to me in detail?
You first need to speak with Maverick after you talked with Bucky, Maverick will give you wood to tell Bucky to craft him something "fun" after that, you must go back to Bucky and he will shape something for Maverick (you have to wait a little until he's done) and then Maverick will give you the floaties.
he will offer them for sale, but just keep talking and he will offer a trade
Why haven't I triggered a conversation with Maverick?
The task of collecting the boards is given to you by the beaver, not the otter.
Rascal, you, asks the otter if he can swim for them but instead the otter offers you floats.
I realy dont like this game. This game has drained all my sanity, I've been here for a long time, but I need it, I just need that rabbit scene.
maybe you should take a rest? which rabbit scene are you talking about? maybe I can help you.
Do you need a new rabbit scene,or an old one? Because if you need any old scenes just go to the gallery and check under movies and stories.There you shoud find an option to see all of the scenes(basically stories and movies:P).
Basically this:
Click on gallery
And then click unlock all
It should help you see all the old scenes:P
Tho if you want any new scenes,then you will just have to let the time do its thing.(basically you will have to wait,or pay for the patreon version).
Btw if you need to get back your sanity.I describe going outside,and limithing your eltronic time or go to your nearest doctor to get some medicine(btw thats not meant as an insult,im serious). Also try these out(they might help you):
get a better sleep
try some art(it might help)
watch some movies(tho not to many movies)
and gratitude(Basically be thankfull of your life and be happy,and believe in yourself )
These steps should help you get your sanity back :P(and yes ik i sound like an average mom but this will help you)
Very good idea to combine the cute with the hot, a great mix. But I feel like the weight of the relationships with the characters is lost a bit if you make the sex so casual and inconsequential. I also don't like too much that the protagonist has sex with anyone just like that, all very friendly but I miss what is significant, I would like to be able to cultivate a relationship with a character that I liked or like more than the others and with whom I want to have a romance. What happens to a lot of furry games is that they seem to forget that sex is very cool and nice, but it's a component rather than a whole.
Also, it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, it seems like everyone is bisexual. I am a male homosexual and I would have liked to be able to choose or let the game or the characters know that I like the male ones... but no one seems to care about that.
Maybe it's all because I'm a little too used to visual novels or Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origins so I feel like I can't give the protagonist almost any personality. I would like to like this game much more, because I really like its idea and appearance, but I feel it is too simple. Although, well, I suppose it has something to do with the retro game touches and pixel art that have been given to it. But making a game retro-style doesn't mean you're obligated or excused to make it simple in its mechanics.
the idea of the game "the love" is what makes them do free stuff with anyone, although one might catch interest in someone to like be their partner but still do free stuff with others.
as for the choices in with who you are doing stuff with, keep in mind this is a free game and they are working really hard on it to like pay attention to every whim from people that aren't even supporting their game, it is normal when a free indie have content for both male and female, straight, lesbian, homosexual.
Will this game be completely free? I thought that only the DEMO that contains the first two chapters is free, but the complete game will be paid. That's why in Steam it's under "coming soon".
Yes, and it's great that that's normal, although they could have made the game for everyone (male and female, straight, lesbian, homosexual, etc) but in the form of choices or preferences that the player makes through the character. For example, the game registers the gender of the characters with whom the player is intimate, if for example the male counter increases but the female counter remains at zero, the game through the characters could release dialogues about that or the characters acting reacting to that. I just feel like I've been missing the romance a bit, being able to pick a character I like better and explore something special with him.
And... I don't know, I would like to be able to customize Rascal more, there are times when you don't even get options... which feels a bit too linear, and this game could have been more sandbox (allowing the player to do and dig with whomever they prefer).
I'm just saying.
nope ,the game will apparently be free :P(i think).
words from carrots themself! (this is a screenshot)
sadly is not how you want the game to be, but how the creators (Carrots and Vixel) want the game to be, maybe this game is not for you and it won't be for sure since the character that you show more interest into is female and she shows a lot of interest back to you, showing preferences on which sexuality you lean more is not how the game is getting developt.
and yes Carrots said that is going to be free.
This game has gay male content, which I believe is mandatory. It doesn't say this anywhere on this page or in the game. Would've been nice to know that beforehand.
Mad bro? Its 2023 everyone's a little gay after covid 19 hit
well is a furry nsfw game, that should tell you everything, the furry community is one to be open to any sexuality so uhhh, yeah pretty obvious.
yep,furry community truly is open to everything :P(quite literally).(that was meant in a good way btw)
the android version is so laggy, probabily because my cellphone is a potato
Eh no worries :P There are still some ways to improve your performance on your cellphone.
Basically try these tips:
1.drop the resolution
2.go offline
3.use anti lag app
4.use task killer app
5.turn off power saving mode
6.upgrade hardware(if you can)
7.delete unnecessary apps
This will probably turn your steamy potato,into a less steamy potato:P
(it will basically help with the performance(probably).
you can see a animated bear in the gallery on their website but i don't think i've seen her in game yet or am i missing or forgetting/something
i see there will be a wolf in the future from the meet the critters page :D
Yep.Lets hope he is not Spanish tho :P(that was a reference).(not meant in a racist way btw )
hey I speak Spanish! :c I'm kidding of course but yes there's a bear (Charlotte) and a artic fox in the way! (Melody)
¿Algún problema con los que hablan español?... gatito.
para nada, en realidad solo queria hacer una referencia a una pelicula llamada puss and bots, pero al decir kitty asumo que ya lo sabes (aunque si no sabes la referencia, spoilers: white wolf era un villano y tenia 1 línea en español,
y por alguna razón tomé esa línea como española, de todos modos el lobo villano se ve casi igual que el lobo blanco en la tarjeta)
Básicamente, visite este sitio para ver de lo que estoy hablando.
(also this was made by googlle translate,so this is probably not perfect spanish :P)
Yes, of course, I understand you. I made that comment jokingly XD
And I saw that movie. I think the wolf is a bit overrated, I fall more in love with someone nice than a sexy bad boy. Too bad the nice gay people I've met live in another country X_X
No worries you didnt miss anything,as the bear is in the patreon version of the game :P
(btw dont mind the eggs looking like pixelated potatos, as the compressing didnt go as i expected it to)
Happy Easter to you too Darkness!
Dude you're a fuckin' hero, thanks so much for responding to people here <3!
eh no problem,i just dont like seeing people being lost:P(even tho half of the time my helping probably doesnt even help,also that lost line sounded better in my head) Tho not gonna lie you are the last person that i expected to respond to this(btw that was not meant as an insult,also big respect to you and vixel for making this game,hope it succeeds :P(tho dont forget to take breaks(also respect for who ever gave the broken bridge and the gate punch lines,and for the best villain of the game,the fish(and best femboy Maverick and maybe Peter(no homo tho))
2skinness2 how do you know so much is there a place i can go to see information on updates or is it a patreon thing?
Eh, im pretty sure its a patreon thing :P(as there is honestly no other places with information about this(probably)).
Tho if you want some information on the game ,then check this:
It should help you a bit :P
yeah like Darkness said, is from patreon, I sadly cannot say anything about what's going on or what's exactly coming for the game, all I can give is little information, but yeah if you want to know more about the game check out the link Darkness posted.
Hey hey brother, I really support your game. If you update it a bit richer and have more storylines, I would love it even more🐼
they work on the game 24/7 with monthly builds and weekly updates for the Patreons, the next will come out within months, all we have to do is be patient. c: though Carrots is currently fixing their room. ^^;
oh,you know that does actually explain a lot :P
any news?
there's a lot coming for act 3, I sadly cannot say anything, all I can say is that act 3 will come out in months but the wait will be worth, a lot of juice stuff are coming for sure!
thanks <3
no worries!
This game is such a great tease but I greatly enjoyed it, and I appreciate the dedication that's being put into the writing and the characters. I feel like a main focus with this game is developing characters with a lot of care and dedication, each character's personality stands out from one another and every character in this game is very likable and wholesome. There's a lot to the story of each. I feel like this whole game is represented and guided by the characters instead of the sex, narrative, or the plot, which is kind of unique to me. I can't think of another game where most of the dedication was put into the characters.
However, I also have to say. Game is top quality with 0 bugs or scuffness. Everything in this game is high quality. I think quality and keeping a low tolerance on having flaws was also a big thing on this game. I couldn't find any personally. It did get slow at the end of chapter 2 I guess (on a decent Windows PC, downloaded) but that's it.
I call this game a tease because there are a ton of moments where I expected the game to do something, but it didn't deliver it, which is probably okay. This may be because I am more biased toward other kinks. The game has been teasing me a lot with messing with Mabel, just so that it never happens in the end because the game's still in development and she's shy (I doubt she's busy, I think she's making excuses). With Scarlett I felt teased until the scene finally happened but she was just rubbing it, it's very sexy the way she does it but I had something else in mind. The foxes? I was hoping for a blow but I got a licking scene, which again I like but it's not what I expected. The foxes again where I expected an orgy like in their flashback but it didn't happen. The submissive plant? Tried, and later through comments I found out it's not implemented. Finding something at the top of the mountain? I was hoping there would be something, at least a taste for the next update but there was nothing, which is fair but still a bummer. It's unusual to finish a quest just to have no reward at the end, but the journey in this game is very rewarding regardless. A lot of things in the game were a tease, but I can't point to anything the game exactly did to give the wrong idea besides anything that's unfinished. I still wonder if I am the only one who felt that way. I felt like I was being edged into oblivion.
The only thing I didn't like about the game is that Rascal only has one expression for every dialogue, and it's also an expression I am not fond off. It makes him less likable to me if that's his expression the whole time. I also don't like that the game tells you that you can do things that haven't been implemented yet (submissive plant). I also didn't like the Haikus getting sexual... it was nice to have a break from all the lewd in the middle of the game, it's refreshing even if I don't like haikus or poems in the first place. I still like reading this sort of thing that you see in the explanation. I think I would had been fine if they got sexual, it was expected, but those sexual Haikus were very lazy and lame, I don't like it even if it's on character. The Dustin minigame was very fun though, it really shows how Undertale is truly Among Us in the Sans Universe of furry porn games. Dustin is a representation of god just like Sans.
This game gives me strong isekai vibes, since everyone's so happy and everything's extremely positive which is nice. I think I would really like a character that goes against the norm in this universe, but still doesn't ruin the positive vibes everyone brings and can still be friends with everyone. I think that character would be my favorite. (edit: By going against the norm I mean, don't be so positive. Not sad or miserable either)
Update: Also, guide
it is such a great and lovely game I agree, we all have been loving it, or at least most of us, they are putting a lot work into the game since they also have been posting monthly builds and keeping their Patreons updated every weekly, though, a time is coming with Mabel, is all I can say. c:
She's adorable as well and that one that is mostly interested in you (Rascal) which makes it even more adorable, ever since I started playing this game and helping out here in this post whenever I can I always wanted a moment between the two of them and I am happy for what's to come.
I still dont trust that fish tho :P(or magical rocks).
funny you say that, I haven't seen anything concerning the Fish or the magical rocks, hmmmm. very SuuuuuuuS
Yep :P Like the fish doesnt even have its own card,so that is most suspicious.(also i see the reference you did there :P)
"at least most of us" pay no mind to that. It's part of the porn game experience, especially the further you stray from vanilla
I have played this game a little bit and from what I can tell and see. This game is highly morbid. Erotic sex scenes of natural-looking animals, were your character spends most of his time getting fucked in the ass? I say this is morbid because this is frankly another version of Gay Animal Erotica. Would be Illegal in the States. Though. If this ever hit the shelves in America. It would make it a lot easier to find morbid assholes, who intend on sexually brutalizing animals. The Feds would just have to get a list of the idiots who bought this game. This is definitely twisted. Even for a video game.
I understand what you're saying, but this isn't what you think it is. For it to count, it has to be between a human and an animal and viewed/participated in through photo, film, or direct contact. The game only has characters that are animal-like but not human. The interactions are only between other animal-like characters and not between any humans. This is the furry community and it's just like if humans interacted together, only it's between andromorphic characters. Yes, there might be some people out there who find this interesting for bad reasons, and I agree that's wrong. But most people who are in the furry community find stuff like this just like people outside of this community watch non-furry/non-anthropomorphic films, view photos, ect. As long as it doesn't move into the other category, which is extremely disgusting and wrong on so many levels, then it should be fine. I hope that the remaining states in the US that do allow such acts, join the rest of the other states to keep animals safe from such acts. But this is just the furry community and most of us join it because we like people and we love animals. Yes, there are some bad ones in the bunch, but for the good ones who just want to meet people that are interested in anthropomorphic animals, it's perfectly fine if it doesn't get to the point where it's hurting animals. I don't want to start an argument but I do agree that it's wrong to do certain acts against animals and I think most people, even people who are in the furry community, would agree, as they're animal lovers and most wish to treat them well. If you're interested, you can check out Cornell Law School for more info on this topic.
To be honest i was to lazy to read all of this,but i did read enough that ik that this deserves full respect :P
This is understandable. And thanks for the idea on were to look into this information. But I'm a Judge in the States. So I know the laws well. I have no problem with Furry Hentai some characters can come out really attractive, if the Artist knows there stuff. I've designed a few here and there. Along with other characters using Skyrim's Race Menu, Nifskope and Gimp. It just caught me off guard.
Eh no worries:P You had good intentions in mind.
There's a rating system for a reason, your honor. Down vote if you don't like it and move on, not every person creating and playing games is from your country. And Darkness - don't be a bootlicker, it's unsightly.
I think it's cute how Darkness95000 answers us and clears up our doubts <3
Eh its really not that much.To be honest half of my helping probably doesnt even help,but still thx :P