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nope,those items sadly cant be used yet :PAlso if you want to know more about the game and its updates visit this: 

or visit their patreon,which does include a patreon version off the game:

(1 edit) (+1)

How to use things?I don't see any use buttons on Android,I'm stuck on the lake travel bell:/

when you press your touch screen it should appear some buttons to press (B - A - +) when you press the plus symbol it should give you two more options (Inv - P ) there you can have Inventory and Pause.

also the bells are used automatically once you pick them up at Penny's post

Oh!Thx now I know🥹thought that bell was supposed to call Augustus😅

I know it probably not but it feels so close now. I'm so happy they are putting it on steam when act 3 comes out.

I don't know if that's only on my computer but the background and text doesn't show up.If anybody knows how to fix this please reply to this I really wanna play this on a computer.

well,you could try reinstalling the game ,or you could try  checking your hardware for any problems as that might cause glitches,also here  are some more tips to fix this :  

Couldnt fix it.Can't we reach to the devs?

i guess you could,here is the link to the site to do it:

I hope they respond do I need to join their discord?

nope,prrety sure the site alerts them about the bug on its own :P(probably)

(1 edit) (+1)

I loved this so much can't wait for more!^^ the art style is so nice and cute as well as the whole gama been very cute! played on mobile and wasn't any problems at all besides when you learn to roll it says use x on dpad but it's the b button instead but that's not really a big deal:3 also would love for a horse girl to be added (or the one from the bukakke) maybe she can have tits and have a boobjob scene~


Well for android it very hard for the button walk thingy because sometime they dissapear and when im trying to move it not moving, btw happy new year



(sorry for the delay :P)

happy new year! 

Can anyone tell me if there are games like this (nsfw furry) for Android? I ended up getting addicted to this game and I don't think anything like it

(1 edit)

well you could try these:

and i definetly didnt just click games like forest off love on itchio :P(also HAPPY NEW YEAR)

Sorry but Android isn't working for some reason I downloaded it and it failed and blacked out kicking me out before I could even play

(1 edit)

well,iit could be because off these reasons: low storage space, too many apps running simultaneously, a weak internet connection, or not having the proper app updates installed.(i defientlly didnt search this up on googel ,also MATTY CHRISTMAS :P)

6 giga bites free my dude only one app and up to date

(1 edit)

oh,well then its probably just a pesky bug,tho you could try reinstalling it.It could help :P

I'll try

i only managed to get to the sound of birds then dark screen the it kicked me out

(1 edit) (+2)


(im getting lazier and lazier with these things)

Merry Christmas to you as well Darkness! 

(1 edit) (+2)

I don't know how close this is to finished but this is the first time an in-development game touched me this much within the first few minutes. Beautifull visuals, beautifull music, cute dialogue, I didn't expect it to be THIS furry looking for characters, but unusually the wholesomeness didn't seem fake to me but genuinely heart touching.

The music ambiantly adapts, there is sound for different floorings that is just so crips and delightfull. Compared to my usual "Playing games funded by patreon" experience this might be the most competent piece of work I've experienced. I am completely floored by this and I think I might not sleep until I've witnessed all the fun to be had in this.

Act 3 feels so close I'm hoping when they put it on steam it'll be steam deck compatible

i mean the game does work with a conttroler,so maybe :P(we can only hope tho)

(1 edit) (+1)

someone already tried it on Steam deck but it wasn't a official thing, it was from the apk files into the steam deck so yeah there's the posibility! 


anybody know how to uh "engage with the people of the forest of loves activities"-


just keep playing the game to get to those "said activities" keep doing what they ask you to do and you'll get there.


I know you guys said no iOS bc yknow, NSFW so it’s not gonna be allowed on the App Store, but why not export it as an ipa and release here so the people who can sideload will still be able to play if they don’t have access to an external device?

It’s for Android? Cool keep it up.


I know you said there isn't anyway to customize your experience so far but is there plans for customization? I know it might be a stretch but it be really cool if would select our starting animal from a small selection if not that maybe be able to customize our name?


I don't think they plan to make you able to customize your character, the game itself it set to have Rascall as the protagonist, at least they haven't said anything about it.


I figured as much still be cool though

traducción para el juego

puede que lo logren hacer, pero también pude que no. 


Amazing game, I can't wait for chapter 3.

Where's the save file location on android? I got a new phone and I wanna transfer my progress from the old one

I enjoy running it on my pixel 7a, where ironically it runs smoother than on my laptop 🤔, I use an Xbox controller on mobile and the Logitech fp710 on PC (yes, it's that controller) and quite frankly, this game is adorable, cant wait for act 3


still waiting for act 3 lol. sorry if this sounds pushy or rude or anything negative. sorry if it seems that way


they are working on it every day and don't worry! no need to be sorry.


This game is... How do I put this? Too innocent looking to have nsfw elements to it lol


yeah but is to make it adorable. 

The designs look straight out of a childerens book


I was really hoping for a halloween event while we wait for the next act.

they did a mini halloween themed thing in the patreon version but it wasn't a side event like "blessing of the bells" but that was last year, I don't think they will work on more of the same holiday for each year. 

Are they still working on the game?

(3 edits) (+1)

Yep,they are giving updates on patreon almost evry week :PAlso there is a site that has information on theg ames updates(warning tho,it is  delayed for 3 years,i think,so no promises).

Here is the link to heir patreon:

and here is the link to that site:


eh no problem.Btw if you need anything else,just ask :P


Can't find the apk of Act2, am i missing something or it's just unavailable?


Nope,as act 1 and act 2 apks should be both in the same donwlad :P So if you only got  act 1,then it might be a pesky bug,so try reinstaliing the game,maybe that fixes it.(also happy hallowen !)

Thank you, I'll try that!

eh no problwem,btw if you need anything else,just ask :P

There was no glitch at all lol, I thought that the act 2 was something after the sweater quest but I was wrong...

(2 edits)

ye ik the pain :P Sadly tho act 2 ends there,atleast with the normal version off the game, tho there is a patreon version off  the game,that might be more updated,tho you will have pay 5 dollars for patreon subscription to get it :P Tho if you want some information on the game updates(or bassicaly soem general information on the game),visit this: (tho a warning,the site is delayed for 3 years,so no promises)

Btw if you want to  visit their  patreon for the patreon version off the game,here is the link :



(ik,very creative :P)


Fis todas as missão do jogo e nao acontesse mais nada não consigo ir nem na caverna de gelo e nem sair da sidade


infelizmente a caverna de gelo ainda não está no jogo, embora haja um evento especial no jogo chamado bênção dos sinos, basicamente você tem que falar com Scarlett após terminar o ato 2, e fofocar com ela sobre como Penny pode carregar tudo isso criaturas, basicamente isso:

(Além disso, se você quiser saber mais sobre as atualizações do jogo, visite este link, embora um aviso de que o site está atrasado cerca de 3 anos: 

(embora você também possa visitar o patreon, mas terá que pagar 5 dólares por semana para obter atualizações mensais do jogo, aqui está o link: )

após terminar o ato, vá até Scarlett (Uma coelhinha com chapéu)

então fofoque com ela e pergunte como Penny  consegue carregar todas essas criaturas o dia todo

e é assim que você ativa o evento bênção dos sinos

Can patreon people say how the the update are coming along if they don't talk about what's in the update? I check this almost daily and just wanting to know if it going to be a few days/months until the next update.


the update is coming soon... (at least that what they said) apparently they just need to add a few new animations, which those take long and make sure they work perfectly fine and without bugs (the bugs are their major concern whenever they give us an update on the game) but I'd say the act 3 should be coming within a few months! 

cool the the game so fare good luck.

same here.


I love the game (not just the porn) and I think a DS or 3DS would make the best device to play this on.


the graphics surely reminds me of those consoles! 

(2 edits)

I'm playing on the browser.  I've found a seemingly game-breaking glitch. After racing with Dustin, if I challenge him to a rematch immediately, and roll to the end, instead of ending the race, it gives me the option to talk to him, and I can leave the roped-off area as if it's not even there. If I go back to the start, however, I can't walk through the rope like I can on the far end, which means I can't go back to collecting wood. I can't leave, and I can't finish the race. All it lets me do is challenge Dustin again.

Also the plant minigame has a lot of issues. A lot of my spacebar presses aren't registered, and when I transition to the next section of path none of my spacebar presses are registered. Turning on the cheat doesn't make it an easy or automatic win but instead makes it an instant automatic fail. I think it would be incredibly helpful if we could talk to Bucky about getting an "aid" for the task, or maybe even asking Mabel to help since she seems so giddy about what Rascal is doing. The latter could play into a type of "interest".

The game would also benefit greatly from a save feature.

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Em,just a question,but did you acitvate cheats before you started the minigame,or as soon as you started it ,as the cheats might work if you activate them before you go to the plant .Tho if that doesnt wrok,then it might acctaully be a pesky bug,tho i did try these cheats before, and they did work for me,so idk :P(tho i am playing on the pc donwladabel  version off the game,so the problem might be exlusive to the browser version of the game(tho as i said before,idk).


they already adressed the bug in Patreon iirc in recent versions of the game, there's also a Save feature of the game I'll be coming in act III and about for the spacebar situation, I recommend downloading the Blessing of the Bells version of the game since is the most recent version for free (like Darkness said) 


Hey I have a question.

I'm at the part where the ritual stones are glowing blue, and some of the critters are huddled around it.

I'm just wondering if there's anything else to do? Or is this the end of Act 2?

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well,you have to go to the two coyotes (Clarie and Violet),to finish act 2,after that go to the mishveous  bunny with a hat(Scarlett),and ask her(gossip)how does birda(Penny)carry all the critters,with this you will unlock a special event called blessing of the bells :P Also if you finished the first part of the alvin and the chipmunk(Dustin) minigame,you can chat with with him again to  get the second part of it ,btw you bassically have to beat the whole second  part without getting hit to get the story,basically its prrety hard :PAlso if you look around and talk to some characters,you mgiht find some secrets.

Also here is the way to get the blessing of theb ells event(which you can only get after finishing act 2).

1.gossip with Scarlet

then click how is Penny able to carry critters all day

This should unlock the event :P

Will there be Halloween and other holiday events in game later down the line?

if you are asking for events just like "Blessing of the bells" well I can't say, they haven't talk about it in patreon and we haven't got a build of the game with any event, the game says that there will be side events just like "Blessing of the bells" but they don't actually say that it'll be a holiday.

do you know when the next update will come

(1 edit)

well,there are some information on this: (tho the site is delayed for 3 years,so no promises :P) .You cold also visit their patreon, which does have have updates about the game,and also has patreon version of the game(tho you will need to pay  patreon subscruption of 5 dollars a month to get it,and the monthly game builds)Here is the link to the patreon :

Deleted 1 year ago
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nope,the bear and the fire flies are sadly not in the game yet :P


you guys should probably switch to godot, fuckin unity gonna be a shitpile for devs

Whenever I try to open the game on mac, I get a popup that says:

The application “TheForestOfLove” can’t be opened.

I have gone through a few troubleshooting methods, and nothing has worked yet. is there a way to fix for this problem?

hi! hopefully this helps! (thanks to Darkness for sharing the link long ago) 

(3 edits)

eh no problem.Tho not gonna lie, i kinda forgot that i did that :P

(2 edits)

I hate this stupid minigame! i cant keep the seed in at all! i have tryed 32 times! and even the cheat wont work!

i am going to break something... i have tryed so much! i am smashing my space bar but it is like it isnt detecting that i am! i press it like, 10 per second but it acts as if i aint pressing it at all!

nvm... i have finally beaten it... that was so stupid tho


I was reading all this ready to give you ideas and to help you out until I saw the end where you said that you finally got it done, happy for you though! 


thx, i just think it wasnt detecting my space bar


Glad you got it at the end!


I could use those ideas. It stops registering my spacebar after it transitions to the next section of path.


well,you could use cheats to go thorugh that part :P Bassically press ESC while in game,select cheats,and then enabel no driping.

Basically this:

press esc and select cheats:

then select plant minigame prevent drip and turn it on:

And basically thats how you prevent drip in the minigame :P

Is the game finished or slowly being developed? looks awesome and I'd like to know if they're keep uploading it so I can try it!

(7 edits) (+1)

yep,the game is slowly being developed :PTho if you want more information on the progress of the game, check out this site (tho it is delayed about 2 years or more,so no promises)Tho you could check out their patreon ,which does have list of updates on the game and the  whole more upgraded version of the game :P Basically this: 

Excelente, thank you for answering!

(2 edits)

Eh no problem :P If you need anything else tho,just ask .


like Darkness said, yes the game is being developt by two people working every single day to tell of what's up every week in something called "this week in the forest" with a new build every month, but that's over on patreon! 

Sorry, I just woke up and my brain is kinda dead still, so, you mean that the game is constantly being updated but just in the paetron page? 

the version on itchi.o is way too old?

(4 edits)

not constatly,tho the patreon version of the game  is  more updated then normal version  :P Tho even the normal version of the game  will eventually get updated.

(1 edit) (-1)

Yes the game gets updated in patreon with a new "build" each month like a new gallery art or animation sadly we didn't got a new build this month because is an animation and they need to work more on it, they also give us news about the game each week and what they have been up to. 

If you are wondering why you haven't got anything here in Itchio is not because the rest of the game is patreon exclusive content is because they are working on act 3 before they make it public for everyone, so once act 3 is finished they will release it here in Itchio. 

No I cannot say anything about what's behind patreon, sorry. ^^;

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From a game dev to another, it's a really good game, the art is so well done, the story is interesting and the gameplay is great. The only thing i don't like is that you don't have much choise of what NSFW content you want(or not) see, as someone who is not into LGBT+ stuff it's kinda uncofortable when i have to see an obligatory gay male scene when i want to beat my meat while i'm playing this game. Don't get me wrong, i'm ok with the sexual preferences of the people but it's just not my thing, i'm not into that. Luckily it's the cheat option but it takes away all the fun that this game offers. Maybe in future updates you could put an option where the player can choose if they can skip the scenes they don't want to see.
If i had the money, i would defenetly support your project. 
I'm really excited to see how this game ends up. 


Well thank you for being so open about what you do with this game but sadly is not how the game works, the idea of TFOL is about how free and comfortable everyone feels with each other, sadly this game is not for everyone since this game is being developt by furries and in this community, homosexuality is pretty normal.

As for a skip cut scene mechanic, I don't know anything about since they haven't mention anything on patreon about it, right now currently you can only skip the plant minigame, not skip the cutscene but the whole mission.

Thought as you mentioned if you are only here to "beat your meat" and don't care about the story then I just recommned to use the cheat to unlock every scene and just focus on the male/female interaction only.

tried to make this answer the most friendly way possible, didn't mean to offend anyone. Cheers! 


Ayo! Thanks for the compliments!

One of the things our rebuild is incorporating is tags! We will be tagging scenes by preference and critter, so peeps will be able to filter the gallery. But with that function, we want to also implement a preference setting so it can skip those moments for people who don’t want to view whatever content.

I’ve heard the comments “I’m not usually into blank, but this is super hot!” Many times before, so I definitely suggest folks taking a look instead of flat skipping stuff. But it’s a function we will be adding none the less.


well that's one way to explain things, thanks Carrot! 


Hey so I was looking around reading some of your comments and headers and quickly created this account so I could reply to your request for reviews on the apk (android) version of this game.

this review is for the outdated download 

Works pretty good actually about 50 to 47 fps (frames per a second but you probably already know what that means)

The touch screen buttons well they don't respond to rapid presses 

When you try to enter a menu mostly the your inventory it tends to drop the fox down to 32

Last but not least using a controller (ps4,xbox,etc) the controls are a little junky 

I hope this helped carrot 🥕 Evan tho again this ver is outdated

And please get back to me if you got this reply and I would love to join your team on any terms of their is a spot open 

Plz reply with good news or just saying you read


Yeah, i mean it's your game and you can choose the public you want to reach. I'm just giving my oppinion because i see a potential to reach more people but as i said, it's your game and you can do whatever you want. In any case, i'll support your game in any way possible. I really mean it when i said that this is a really good and fun game by its own. It's really enjoyable, even if you are not looking for porn or things like that.  This is one of the few games I would be willing to support economically, if i could.

Can somebody tell me how to run the game I already have it on a folder

(1 edit)

oh.Well 1.  you have to click on TFOL.Windows.Act2Officicall ,then on windows,and then just click the forest of love exe :P

Tho if you are using winRAR  (which  is what im using):

Basically this:


1. go to file eplorer,then right click and   extract the file  TFOL.Windows.Act2Officicall  , then click on the extracted  TFOL.Windows.Act2Officicall ,click windows,and then click on the forest of love exe :P


Right click on TFOL.Windows.Act2Officicall and click extract all.

then click on the extracted TFOL.Windows.Act2Officicall(btw dont question why the picture here is bigger)

then click on windows


and then click the forest of love exe.

(and basically thats how you start up the game with winRAR:P )

(btw i dont have pictures for the none winRAR,so you will have to go by the text )

I had the wrong version i used linux not windows ty for helping me realize

(2 edits)

eh no problem,btw if you need anything else,just ask :P

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